2405.1 Fluence Release Notes - Full (June 23, 2024)

Release Notes for the following areas are included in this article:

Platform Enhancements

Alternate Hierarchies Enhancements

Export/Import of Alternate Hierarchies

The Hierarchy Manager has been updated to allow exporting and importing of alternate hierarchies via hierarchy import files. You can use this feature to easily upload an alternate hierarchy created in Excel. 

  • When in Alternate Hierarchy mode, you can export and import using the export and import icons in the toolbar. 
  • The import and export files do not include keys and do not support importing and exporting with keys.
  • When importing, the action will replace all existing members in the alternate hierarchy with those specified in the hierarchy file. There isn't an Append option for this feature.
  • Properties of leaf members will not be imported. Properties of leaf members in the alternate hierarchy are inherited from the properties of the default hierarchy.
    • For leaf members: Tags and Operators (for Account members) can be uploaded via the hierarchy import file.
    • For Parent members: Names, Tags, Captions (including translated captions),  and Operators (for Account members) can be uploaded via the hierarchy import file.
  • Note: Shared members are not supported in Alternate Hierarchies. An error message will be returned if the Hierarchy Import file includes shared members.

import alternate hierarchies.jpg

Ability to add translated captions in Alternate Hierarchies

You can now add translations to Parent Nodes in an Alternate Hierarchy in the Member Editor UI.
Note: Translations for leaf members are set and inherited from the default hierarchy.

translation for nodes in alt hier.jpg

Data Import Enhancements

Account Caption added to Source Details

The Fluence account caption has been added as a new column in the Data Imports > View Source Details pane. This will allow you to easily identify the accounts included in the import.

acct cap view source details.jpg

Similarly, the Fluence account caption has been added to the Drillthrough feature in FluenceXL reports.

acct cap drillthrough.jpg

Model Export Workflow Task Enhancements

Model View Export performance is improved in Fluence 2405.1. 

New options have been added so that the file name generated by the Model Export task can have a timestamp appended to the filename to ensure uniqueness. Alternatively, you can specify that the filename be re-used and overwrite any existing file. This is useful in cases where third party applications are expecting the filename to be static.

A new option to specify whether the file generated should be output in compressed or uncompressed format has also been added. This is useful if cases where third party applications require the file to be uncompressed so that it can be processed as-is.

model view export.jpg

Automated Hierarchy Synchronization

A new workflow task, Automated Hierarchy Sync, has been added to workflow. This task can be used to perform an automated hierarchy synchronization via a file. You can leverage this task to sync your hierarchy with a source system. The source system must be able to generate the hierarchy synchronization file in the correct format. The file format is the same used in the Hierarchy Synchronization action through Hierarchy Manager. 

Note: The hierarchy synchronization only runs against the default/base hierarchy of the selected dimension. The synchronization of alternate hierarchies is not supported.

The Automated Hierarchy Sync task is found in the Application section of the Workflow toolbox.


Task Parameter Description
Name Name that will appear on the task.
Simulation Mode Selecting this checkbox will run the hierarchy sync in simulation mode. It will not perform any changes on the Fluence hierarchies but will generate a log file with the summary of changes that would have occurred. You can use this option during the testing phase of setting up the hierarchy synchronization to see the would-be results.

The dimension to synchronize. Select from the list of available dimensions in the drop list. 

Note: The hierarchy synchronization only runs against the default/base hierarchy of the selected dimension.


The connection source of the hierarchy synchronization file that contains the hierarchy specification details. The source file can be located on one of the following location types:

  • ftp location
  • Azure File Storage
  • Azure Blob

The Source must be configured as a Connection in the Configure module prior to setting up this task.

Share The source's share/container location containing the hierarchy synchronization  file.
Folder The folder location containing the hierarchy synchronization file.
File Name The name of the hierarchy synchronization file. 
Explorer Log The location where the results of the hierarchy sync should be output. This log files allows you to view a summary of the synchronization actions that were performed.
Synchronization Settings

Select one of the following:

  • Additions and updates only - The hierarchy sync will only process newly added members and updates to existing members. Any members not present in the source file will not be flagged as deleted members.
  • Additions, updates and deletes - The hierarchy sync will process newly added members and updates to existing members. Any members not present in the source file will be flagged as "Deleted" in the summary of results log file. 
Re-assign deleted members to 'To Be Deleted' parent member

Note: Even for members flagged as "Deleted", Fluence will never delete members to prevent causing disruptive or unexpected changes. The available options are:

  • Flag deleted members in the summary results log file. 
  • Flag deleted members in the summary results log file and move those members to a parent member named "To Be Deleted". This will assign all "deleted" members under one parent where they can be manually deleted at a later time. 
Advance Rule This field specifies how to advance to the task. The default is All predecessors have completed. See Common Workflow Task Fields for more information.

Report Books

Report Books combine several reports into a single report or package. The Report Book can then be distributed to users via email or slack using the Run Report Book workflow task.

As of 2405.1, you can now add FluenceXL reports to Report Books. You can also mix and match FluenceXL reports with Fluence XML Reports in the same Report Book. 

In the example below, the second report is a FluenceXL report which contains parameters for the Entity, Scenario and Date. If the report includes parameters, you can configure the Report Book to pass those parameters into the report. You can either:

  • Set the member by clicking on the parameter edit box and selecting a member from the member selector that appears.
  • Pass the parameter in from the Workflow process options when the WF tasks calls the Run Report Book task, for example Date = {BookParameter.{Date}.Key}



There are two output options:

  • Merged - creates a single Excel workbook with an index page that links to each report in the Report Book
  • Zipped - creates a zip file containing each report in the Report Book
Merged Reportbook merged side by side.jpg
Zipped Report Book Zipped.jpg

Report Books can be run ad-hoc by right-clicking on the Report Book in Fluence Explorer, if you have access. However, in most cases, Report Books are set up to run on a scheduled basis using Workflow and the Run Report Book workflow task.

User and Role Maintenance REST APIs

New REST APIs have been added to maintain users and roles. The added API functionality includes:

  • User Maintenance
    • Retrieve a list of users
    • Add a user/users
    • Update a user
    • Delete a user
  • Role Maintenance
    • Retrieve a list of Roles
    • Assign users to Roles
    • Remove users from Roles

Expanded usage of {Subprocess} syntax

The {Subprocess} syntax can now be used in the Override Filename field in a Generate FluenceXL task.

In 2402.1, new syntax was added to be used in conjunction with Bursting Workflows. Within various tasks of the ForEach subprocess, you can now leverage the following syntax to create flexible bursting workflow processes:

  • {{Subprocess}.Name} - resolves to the member name, e.g.: E120
  • {{Subprocess}.Caption} - resolves to the member caption, e.g.: Houston
  • {{Subprocess}.Key} - resolves to the member key, e.g.: 12345
    • to be used for specific cases when you require the member key instead of the name
  • {{Subprocess}.PropertyName} - resolves to the member property value for the specified PropertyName, e.g.: {{Subprocess}.Region} resolves to South

You can use this syntax when specifying:

  • the Data Import Definition in a File Import or Data Transfer task
  • a Model View to export in a Model Export task
  • the Override Filename in a Generate FluenceXL task

You may also leverage this syntax when assigning OwnersSupervisors and Contributors to workflow tasks within a For Each subprocess.

For more information, see: Using Workflow Subprocess Syntax in Bursting Workflows.

General Portal Enhancements

New context menu options have been added to open activity files and urls in Excel and new browser tabs. 

The context menu for FluenceXL reports added to Data Input tasks, Review tasks and Reporting Tasks includes the following options:

  • Open (opens in current browser tab)
  • Open in Excel (opens in Excel)
  • Open in Popup (opens in Pop-up mode)
  • Open in Tab (opens in new browser tab)

The context menu for url links added to Data Input tasks, Review tasks and Reporting Tasks includes the following options:

  • Open (opens in current browser tab)
  • Open in Tab (opens in new browser tab)

open links.jpg

Consolidation Enhancements

Export/Import of Consolidation Rules

Fluence now provides the ability to export and import Consolidation rules. This allows administrators to easily edit Consolidation rules as well as migrate rules from one tenant to another. 

The capabilities of this feature include:

  • Bulk export of Consolidation rules to a CSV file, including all rule headers and details

  • Bulk import of Consolidation rules from a CSV file, including all rule headers and details

  • Export of specific rule details to a CSV file

  • Import of specific rule details from a CSV file

You can import rules in two ways: either by replacing all existing rules in the system or by appending to the current Consolidation rules. The file delimiters that are supported include the comma, semicolon, and pipe.

Bulk Export/Import of headers and details


Export/Import of rule details

Date Filtering on Ownership editors

A new date filter has been added for both the Manage Ownership and Direct Percentage web editors. This enhancement allows users to quickly filter the displayed entries to only show entries corresponding to the start and end dates selected.

Tag support for Multi Dimensional Calculations

Multi Dimensional calculations have been enhanced to support the use of tags for members in the Source or Target of a calculation rule. These tags can be used across any dimension. 

Note: The use of tags is exclusively supported by the Multi-Dimensional Calculations web editor. Please note that the legacy Excel editor does not offer this functionality.

Note: The target of the Multi-Dimensional calculation rule can only have a single tagged member. 

Override rate support for parent Movement members

You can now assign override rates to parent Movement members. This rate will be applicable to all movement members under the selected parent. However, this parent setting can be superseded if an override rate is set on a movement member at a lower level.

Trace logging for Calculations

Trace logging has been enabled for all pre-configured workflow processes. This feature will generate a trace log file each time a process is executed. These log files can be accessed and reviewed via the process status report. Trace logs are very useful for audit and troubleshooting purposes. 

FluenceXL Reporting Enhancements

Account Caption added to Drillthrough

The Fluence account caption has been added to the Drillthrough feature in FluenceXL reports.

acct cap drillthrough.jpg

To leverage the Drillthrough feature, the Extended Drillback checkbox should be enabled for the model. You can set this in the Model Manager.

Additionally, to enable this feature for a specific report, in Workbook Options > Connections, set the Fluence option Drillthrough type to Drillback. This setting will allow users to drillback to the import details if they are being tracked. 

Drillback Option.jpg

Disclosure Management Enhancements

Formatting Rules

The functionality of the formatting rules has been updated to behave in a more consistent way. In particular, the handling of merged cells has been improved, some tricky combinations of instructions now work as desired, and the fit-to-content and fit-to page behavior has been adjusted.
A new slider in the user interface now allows to select the unit of measures to use in displaying the size of rows or columns.


Data Source Synchronization

The data source synchronization feature has been expanded to support different types of connectors, that can be defined to indicate to the synch job where to look for new versions of data source workbooks.

Currently supported connectors:

  • Azure blob containers
  • Azure file shares
  • Sharepoint remote folders


Multiple connections may be created and activated. The synchronization job will scan all active connections in sequence.


Some IT setup may be required to prepare the configuration of the remote folders and define the parameters to enter in the screen of the connector properties. For example:


Document Bursting

The document bursting feature has been enriched, enabling the user to define how each sub-document of the generated documents should be overwritten, in case the user runs multiple times the process of generating the copies of the document template. Available options are shown below:


In addition, a new slider Reload data source can be activated at master document level, so that, when the copies of documents are created, an updated copy of the required data sources can be retrieved directly from FluenceXL. This feature requires the configuration of a connection with FluenceXL.


User Impersonation

A new task in the administration panel, User impersonation, allows the current user to impersonate a different user, and access the system with the permissions assigned to such user. This may help the administrator verify the correctness of the permissions assigned to the impersonated user.
In the following example a user accesses the system as user demo6 and only sees what demo6 is allowed to see.


From the administration panel, you can also terminate the “impersonation”.
This feature is available to tenant administrators or users that have the ACL “can impersonate users” activated in their role.

Issues Addressed

Several issues have been addressed, including:

  • It is now possible to import multiple data source files at the same time
  • It is now possible to submit multiple sub-documents of a given document at the same time
  • Inserting a formatting rule during the creation of a new object does no longer requires an additional refresh 
  • The creation and assignment of documents and data sources folders is now tracked in the audit logs
  • The “retain excel format” is no longer set during the first refresh of inversed design generated objects, in order to respect the format of the tables as found in the imported document
  • "Combine with refresh" now correctly executes the CHOOSE() functions found in the data source









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